Research Methodology


Research Methodology: Your Guide to Finding Answers


Imagine you’re trying to solve a puzzle. You have all the pieces spread out, but you don’t know where to start. This is kind of like research. It’s about figuring out how to put the pieces together to find the answer to a question. Research methodology is like the roadmap that guides you through this puzzle. It’s a step-by-step plan to find the information you need.

Objective of Research

Why do we research? Well, it’s like being curious about the world around you. We want to understand things better, solve problems, and find new ways to do things. The goal of research is to find answers to questions, test ideas, and add to our knowledge. It’s like exploring new lands and discovering hidden treasures.

Features of a Good Research Study

A good research study is like a well-cooked meal. It’s tasty, satisfying, and leaves you wanting more. So, what makes a research study good?

  • Clear goal: Knowing what you're looking for is like having a recipe.
  • Proper planning: Just like planning a dinner party, you need to organize your research.
  • Reliable data: Your ingredients need to be fresh and accurate.
  • Valid conclusions: The taste of the final dish depends on how well you combine the ingredients.
  • Ethical considerations: Cooking with care and respect for others is important.

Characteristics of Business Research

Business research is like trying to find the best way to run a store. You want to know your customers, your competitors, and how to make money. Business research is about making smart decisions. It’s about understanding the market, the economy, and your customers’ needs.

Scope of Business Research

Business research covers a wide range of topics. It can be about anything from product development to marketing strategies. It can help you find new customers, improve your products, or increase your profits. It’s like exploring different parts of a city to find the best opportunities.

Types of Research

There are many different ways to do research. It’s like choosing the right tool for the job.

  • Exploratory research: This is like exploring a new city without a map. You're trying to find out what's there.
  • Descriptive research: This is like taking a picture of the city. You're describing what you see.
  • Explanatory research: This is like figuring out why the city is the way it is. You're looking for reasons.
  • Correlational research: This is like finding out if two things are related. For example, is ice cream sales related to temperature?
  • Applied research: This is like using research to solve a problem. For example, finding a new way to make ice cream.

Approaches to Research

There are two main ways to approach research:

  • Quantitative research: This is like counting the number of people who like different flavors of ice cream. It's about numbers and statistics.
  • Qualitative research: This is like interviewing people about why they like certain flavors of ice cream. It's about understanding people's thoughts and feelings.

Need for Research

Why do we need research? Well, it's like needing a map to find your way. Research helps us understand the world around us, make better decisions, and solve problems. It's essential for progress and development.

Research Process

The research process is like following a recipe. There are steps you need to follow.

  1. Define the problem: What are you trying to find out?
  2. Review the literature: What has already been done?
  3. Develop research questions: What specific questions do you want to answer?
  4. Choose a research design: How will you collect your data?
  5. Collect data: Gather the information you need.
  6. Analyze data: Make sense of the information.
  7. Draw conclusions: What did you learn?
  8. Report findings: Share your results with others.


Research is like a journey of discovery. It starts with curiosity and ends with new knowledge. Research methodology is your guide on this journey. It helps you plan your trip, choose the right tools, and find the treasures you're looking for. By understanding the different types of research, the research process, and the characteristics of good research, you can embark on your own research adventures and make a difference in the world.

Remember, research is not just about finding answers; it's about asking the right questions. So, be curious, be open-minded, and enjoy the journey!

Compiled by: Er. Arjun, Data Scientist 


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