Are You Being Washed by AI?
Don't Get Duped: Decoding AI Washing in the Marketplace Artificial intelligence (AI) is the buzzword of the decade. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, it seems like everything is getting an "AI" makeover. But hold on a minute. Have you ever stopped to wonder if that fancy new "AI-powered" gadget is actually as smart as it claims? This is where the murky world of AI washing comes in. AI Washing: Marketing Hype or Technological Reality? AI washing is the deceptive marketing practice of companies exaggerating or outright fabricating the use of AI in their products or services. Think of it as the tech industry's version of greenwashing, where companies mislead consumers about their environmental practices. Companies engage in AI washing for a few reasons. First, AI is associated with innovation and cutting-edge technology. Slapping an "AI" label on a product can instantly boost its appeal to tech-savvy consumers. Second, AI washing can...